How Long Does Sleep Training Take?

The answer to this will vary on your child’s age, disposition, and the sleep solution method that you choose. You can expect to see sleep improve within one month, but typically quicker.

Do I have to let my child ‘cry it out’

Oh how I cringe when I hear this term! ‘Cry it out’ isn’t a sleep strategy, it is a term used by people to generally mean sleep training and specifically mean something undesirable. There are a few different techniques to teaching a child to sleep and we will discuss those prior to you receiving a sleep plan. We will customizing your child’s sleep plan to something that you are comfortable with.

What age can you help?

I help parents of children up to 6 years old. We wait to start formal sleep training until after the child is 4 months old (counting from the due date), but it is never too early to start good sleep habits.

What about sleep Regressions?

We will be teaching your child what independent sleep is. Afterwards your child will have a good foundation for how to sleep and will enter new sleep disturbances (travel, time change, learning to walk, etc.) well rested and more able to adjust to these changes.